Due to lack of interest, this event has been cancelled.
Chili Cook Off F.A.Q.s
Competitor Questions
- What does it cost to participate? $100
- What is included in the registration fee? 2 pounds of beef to use in your chili. Palate cleansers (saltines in between tastings), tables, bowls, spoons, and napkins.
- When should I arrive to set up? Set up begins at 11AM on Saturday, 10/14.
- Besides chili, what do I need to bring? Extension cord and table covering.
- What are the parameters on how the chili is prepared? All chili must be “red” and ground beef provided by HCC must be used.
- How will my chili be judged? There will be a panel of 5 judges that rate the chili in the following six categories: heat, smell, thickness, color, flavor, and aftertaste. The panel’s judging results will determine our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place cash prizes.
People’s Choice will be based on public tasting and voting by ticket.
- When will prizes be announced? Judges will receive their chili samples at 12PM and cash prizes will be announced at 2PM.
People’s Choice winner will be announced at 2:45PM.
- What are the prizes for winners? Cash prizes will be dependent on the number of contestants. 80% of the registration fees will go toward prizes, with 50% of that going to 1st place, and the remaining 50% being split 70/30 for 2nd and 3rd place respectively.
People’s Choice winner will receive a special prize.
- When do I get my beef? Beef pick-up is at the Hallett Center on Thursday, October 12th. Pick-up either 7AM-9AM or 5PM-7PM.
Spectator Questions
- What time? Doors open at 12:45PM and tasting begins at 1PM
- What is the cost? Entry fee allows you taste all chilis, includes palate cleansers and gets you a ticket to vote for People’s Choice. Cost is as follows:
- Ages 13+: $5
- Ages 6-12: $2
- Ages 5 & Under: FREE
- What if I don’t plan to taste chili? Entrance fee is for everyone, even they don’t plan to taste chili.
- What else will be available at the event? Water, milk, beer, ice cream and other vendor items will be available for sale.